Good habits formed at youth make all the difference. ~Aristotle The Mt. Olive COGIC of Humphrey has a collaborative prevention partnership with The University of Arkansas at Little Midsouth, the community arm of Social Work for the R.O.Y. Program. R.O.Y.

is an anti-underage drinking program with the goal of awareness through monthly events. Operation of the program is at the Mt. Olive COGIC by First Lady Laverne McDonald and Missionary Shirley Cline. One of the reasons the decision was made to be a part of the underage drinking program stemmed from specified youth program objectives for community outreach and youth participation within the community. Shirley Cline top priority for the program is awareness, youth results-based programming in regards to Mt. Olive and the communities they serve. Missionary Shirley Cline has led the youth department at Mt. Olive for over 40 years!!!! One of the monthly activities of the program is the food pantry. Once a month the youth helps prepare and distribute food to participants of Arkansas and Jefferson Counties. For the month of February, the youth program will have the, Honor Our Black Men Event. Another activity planned is the 3 on 3 basketball event to be held in April of 2018. Other activities will be released on the Mt. Olive COGIC official web page. If you are another community group and would like to collaborate on a ROY event or would like for you or your child to participate in the ROY program contact or come by 202 Julia Ave in Humphrey, Arkansas. Next week I will interview a future NFL prospect that is a mentor in the ROY program, Mr. LaDarrius Skelton!!! Remember to Like, Share, or even Disagree with Ms. Roni’s Blonde Intelligence 😊.