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Your Quality Affects Your Quantity

Aisha Ms.Roni Robinson

Your Quality Affects Your Quantity

“You don’t want to leave money on the table, you want to take the table.”

~ James Cruz & James McMillan

In the age of social media, talented Hip Hop artists have a large platform to enter into the Hip Hop Industry if their foundation is strong. According to Lisa Evers (2018) the host of Street Soldiers on Fox 5 & Hot 97, Hip Hop is the most downloaded music in the world. The purpose of this short article/blog is to provide some key information to artists/producers from combined sources of information. Yes, some professionals in the business know much or maybe all of the information being provided, but there is a diamond in the rough that truly wants information for success.

Your quality affects your quantity. Quantitative data defines, whereas qualitative data describes. (Web Finance Inc., 2018). Quantitative data is the amount or quantity. The quantity of record sales, the number of friends/fans/followers, the quantity of page views, the number of song plays, the quantity of downloading and streaming. Qualitative data is a description of the quality. One directly effects the other as an artist, producer, or any personal/professional endeavor. The quality of your music, of your team, videos, tours, management all affect the quantitative results.

The presence of social media has evolved to create a huge platform to the performing arts as a whole. It is advisable to understand that the quality of your foundation determines the quantity of your ROI. According to the Head of Music at Pulse Films, Sarah Boardman (2016), a bad video can suck the life out of a song, and a good video can make a song become a hit. Billboard has many charts, and some use social media as part of the calculations on a few charts. One of a few that directly relates to social media is Billboard's Social 50 chart. Billboard's Social 50 chart ranks the 50 most active artists leading globally on social networking sites. Billboard’s Social 50 uses a formula blending artist’s weekly additions of friends/fans/followers in addition to artist page views and weekly song plays, measured by Next Big Sound (Billboard, 2018). The rational thought on this would be on as many social media networks that are used for those calculations as possible. The reasoning is to showcase singles, music videos, record release concerts, hyperlinking reviews, and interviews pertaining to record releases (Miller, n.d.). The quality of your work and management directly relates to the quantity of your sales, streams, and followers.

Ownership or control of all rights to any song/user content submitted for Digital Distribution is essential, which includes; the song being written, recorded, mixed, and mastered (Reverbnation, 2017). If those things are not done then an evaluation of your master plan as well as your business plan must be re-evaluated. If you want to make money, all of your songs are to be registered with a Performing Rights Society. What good is it to make a good song, shoot a video, put it on social media, and get over a million views if your foundation isn’t built to weather the legal storm? It has to be good, according to Multi-Platinum Producer Amadeus, you have to focus on your core specialty (Evers, 2018). The quality of your team is essential. Entertainment Attorney, James McMillan, states that a major pitfall is the artist trying to do everything (Evers, 2018). That means if you’re giving 100% to being an artist you can’t give 100% to being the manager, 100% to accounting, 100% to being the director of the video, etc. because something will go lacking. Your quality affects your quantity.

Remember to Like, Share, or Comment on Ms. Roni’s Blonde Intelligence


Billboard. (2011, September 19). Charts Legend. Retrieved from Billboard Biz:

Billboard. (2018, January 10). Billboard Social 50. Retrieved from Social 50:

Boardman, S. (2016, February 4). Why music videos are still so important: views from inside the industry. Retrieved from Pulse:

Evers, L. (Director). (2018). Mastering the Music [STREET SOILDERS] [Motion Picture].

Miller, B. (n.d.). Record Release Checklist. Retrieved from iMusician:

Reverbnation. (2017). Digital Distribution Checklist: Getting Your Release Ready for iTunes, Spotify, and More. Retrieved from Reverbnation Blog:

Web Finance Inc. (2018). Quantitative Data. Retrieved from Business Dictionary:

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